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Edited ROMs can only be played on exploited consoles.

Please do not ask (nor private message me) how to obtain/dump/decrypt/unpack/repack ROMs as that is unrelated to the functionality of this program.


Download Link At Bottom of Post


pk3DS is a ROM editor for 3DS games with tools from various contributors.

All editors displayed are fully functional.

Simply feed it a folder (drag/drop or by File->Open) which contains the game romfs & exefs extracted content folders.


Randomizers available:

  • Trainer Battles (Pokemon / Items / Moves / Abilities / Difficulty / Classes)
  • Wild Encounters (Species, Level, Gen/Legend Specific, ORAS DexNav won't crash!)
  • Personal Data (Pokemon Types / Stats / Abilities / TM Learnset)
  • Move Randomizer (Type / Damage Category)
  • Move Learnset (Level Up / Egg Move)
  • Evolutions
  • TM Moves
  • Special Mart Inventory
  • etc

Download the latest version here (click on latest run at the top, then click Artifacts (Published), and download the 'drop' folder)

Click on the most recent one (typically the link on top) [you can check the dates on the right, to determine which is the most recent one]

You'll then be brought to this page. Click on where I circled portion, for that page.


Then go ahead and download it (the circled portion on that page)

Source code is available on my GitHub.

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Is there a guide on doing this?

Or a way to edit the rom straight from the .3ds file extension similar to how B&W/2 worked.

I really want to randomize Omega Ruby :/

  • Like 2
  teriax said:
Is there a guide on doing this?

Or a way to edit the rom straight from the .3ds file extension similar to how B&W/2 worked.

I really want to randomize Omega Ruby :/

Agreed, I feel a decent guide could really bolster 6th Gen editing as all these wonderfuls tools have been made but the process of editing is closed off and can be quite overwhelming to new users. This tool looks extremely useful btw massive thanks to all involved in making it.

  • Like 1
  Trevorasaurus said:
If anyone is interested in a once randomized encounter/trainer OR .cia, pm me.

I agree. A tutorial on how to do this would be great. I have a rom but cannot open it with the program.

As far as I know the rom needs to be dumped but I dont know how to go about doing this.

Getting a Gateway soon so it would be nice to have a rom ready to play when I get it.

  • Like 1

I'll come up with a fix soon, I know what needs to be fixed (but to make it random I gotta do it right !)

Turns out it's not a '18 species per location' limit, each encounter type has a unique instance so a species in land&water slots counts as 2 species.

Of course there's a random substitution that could be done, but bland routes would stay bland.


Cool. In older randomizers, there was also an option to only put one instance of each pokemon (or maybe two if it needed to), and if you wanted to this would be a useful option, because if you make a single pokemon appear multiple times in an area to fix the crashing, it would decrease the randomness because there would be less unique random encounters.

  jmanpenilla said:
Cool. In older randomizers, there was also an option to only put one instance of each pokemon game (or maybe two if it needed to), and if you wanted to this would be a useful option, because if you make a single pokemon appear multiple times in an area to fix the crashing, it would decrease the randomness because there would be less unique random encounters.

XY's wild randomizer does the single appearance deal; OR/AS just needs a smarter randomizer (even smarter than a '18 only')


How/ Where did you get the ROM?

  Valin244 said:
I agree. A tutorial on how to do this would be great. I have a rom but cannot open it with the program.

As far as I know the rom needs to be dumped but I dont know how to go about doing this.

Getting a Gateway soon so it would be nice to have a rom ready to play when I get it.

  Mega Aggron said:
How/ Where did you get the ROM?

If you are asking this, this is the wrong section of the forum to be in.

Answer to your question: Dump it yourself with the gateway launcher.


I need help, when I enter in the Text Editor, pk3DS deleted the symbol ♂♀ from the texts, so I cant get it again :( The only thing I can do its put a M or F in the editor, if I put the symbols again, pk3ds doesnt save it :( Can someone help me with that?

Thanks guys.


I can't seem to get the ExeFS Editing Tools to work. I have a Pokemon X folder that contains a exe and a romfs folder and the exe folder contains the code.bin.

I have tried it with naming the Folder exefs, naming the file .code.bin and with both compressed and decompressed code.bin.

Am I doing something wrong? Everything else seems to work just fine.

Also, looking at the code, if I understand it correctly, it should not load the Override Options all the time and instead count the files in the a Folder (271 in my case, wich is normal for Pokemon X/Y) and automatically know what game it is.

I also get some errors:

In the Evolution Editor clicking on Randomize all

  Reveal hidden contents

In the Personal Editor when selecting Xerneas, Yveltal and Zygarde (They don't seem to have their Abilitys, actually their Abilitys don't seem to be in the List at all)

  Reveal hidden contents
  jmanpenilla said:
Any changes I make to the game text and story text are not reflected in ORAS.

Game Patches are overwriting that content. Remove any patches you may have installed, or edit those patches to have whatever changes you wish instead.

Posted (edited)

I'm not too sure if this is the right place to be asking this, but I'm gonna try anyway xD

Is it possible to randomize Pokemon in the Personal Editor without randomizing typing?

It seems that whenever I randomize, it'll randomize the typing as well!

I'm looking to create a randomize nuzlocke, but I'd like to go without a psychic/normal poochyena xD

Have you thought about making the randomizer for the Personal Editor similar to the Trainer Editor? (menu with options)

Sorry for all the crazy questions.. ;o;


I just ended up taking the typing out of the randomizer in the source code and recompiling, thanks for your fantastic tool ^^

Edited by Melody
  AlejaKaiser said:
I need help, when I enter in the Text Editor, pk3DS deleted the symbol ♂♀ from the texts, so I cant get it again :( The only thing I can do its put a M or F in the editor, if I put the symbols again, pk3ds doesnt save it :( Can someone help me with that?

Thanks guys.

Someone can help me? xD


For some reason my pk3ds does not display the correct ability for quite a few Pokemon on the trainer editor. For example, for Gyrados, the abilities displayed are any, parental bond (1), parental bond (2), and parental bond (h). Fortunately the right ability is selected despite the incorrect name; selecting parental bond 1 = intimidate. I was wondering if other people had this problem or there was something wrong with my setup.

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